From Jobsites to the Cloud, the Paths Your Data Can Take
Wireless technology has been growing at an incredible rate, having a deeper presence in everyday life than ever before. From earbuds to refrigerators, it seems like everything is getting the wireless treatment these days to a point where you might ask, isn’t it a bit excessive? One of the biggest reasons for this push in connectivity is the need for efficient, easy, real-time data. Prompt and accurate information can greatly help in improving efficiency in every industry, construction jobsites being no exception. So, what is the value of real-time data and how can it increase efficiency on your construction jobsite? Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Data in the Construction FieldA jobsite has much to offer in terms of useful data that can measure both quality and progress….