Picture of Sarah McGuire

Sarah McGuire

Senior Director SmartRock Plus Division at Giatec | Smart Concrete Testing Technologies. Passionate about concrete and bringing Giatec's revolutionary technology to the industry for all to benefit from. Giatec Scientific Inc., is revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart concrete testing technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite. We are bringing long-overdue change to a conservative industry by addressing the current challenges in concrete testing, analysis, design, and production.

Construction begins on the Grand Paris Express Metro

5000 plus Parisians attended a groundbreaking ceremony at the site of the future Fort d’Issy-Vanves-Clamart station on June 4 to mark the official start of construction on the first phase of the €25bn Grand Paris orbital express metro network. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now Fort d’Issy-Vanves-Clamart will be one of 16 stations on Line 15 South, which will link the southern suburbs of Paris from Pont de Sèvres in the west to Noisy Champs in the east. The €5.7bn project is due to be completed at the end of 2022 and the 33km line is forecast to carry around 300,000 passengers per day.Société du Grand Paris (SGP), the public company overseeing planning and construction of the express metro network, says it has now recruited around 200 staff, who are…

MCI-2020 Can Extend the Service Life of Concrete Structures

MCI 2020 is an organic, surface applied, migrating corrosion inhibitor designed to penetrate through cementitious materials including concrete, mortar, and limestone. It travels in both liquid and vapor (gas) phases through the pore structure, forming a protective, molecular layer on embedded reinforcement and allowing for the substance to diffuse as vapors. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now MCI 2020 provides strong corrosion protection against carbonation, chlorides, and other contaminants and will migrate independent of orientation (horizontal, vertical or overhead up to eight centimeters (three inches) in 30 days. Water based, non-flammable MCI 2020 offers engineers, owners, contractors, DOTs, and other government agencies a time proven, corrosion inhibiting technology that will significantly extend the service life of their reinforced concrete structures.How It WorksMCI-2020 is considered an ambiodic (mixed) inhibitor, which means…

Bone and Shells as Blueprints for Stronger Concrete

In the journal Construction and Building Materials, a paper was published contrasting cement paste with the structure and properties of natural materials such as bones, shells, and deep-sea sponges. Researchers noticed that the biological compounds are durable and strong due to the fact that they are structured with multiple length scales visible level. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now Oral Buyukozturk, a professor in MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), proposed a new bioinspired, “bottom-up” approach for designing cement paste.“These materials are assembled in a fascinating fashion, with simple constituents arranging in complex geometric configurations that are beautiful to observe,” Buyukozturk says. “We want to see what kinds of micromechanisms exist within them that provide such superior properties, and how we can adopt a similar building-block-based approach for…

Kryton International Awarded an U.S Patent

Called a Method, Apparatus and System for Testing the Self-Sealing Capabilities of a Concrete Sample, the test measures and verifies the self-sealing properties of concrete to which a mix of specialty chemicals has been added. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now According to Kevin Yuers, Vice President at Kryton one of the inventors of the test “The test is important because it validates in the lab the self-sealing properties of concrete with a Kryton admixture. We had known from work in the field that the waterproofing admixture in our products enabled cracks to self-seal, but we also wanted to prove it in the lab.”Concrete that can self-seal developing cracks can lead to the reduction of long-term maintenance and repair costs. By doing so it will extend the lifespans of infrastructure…

Upgrading the Panama Canal

After being up and running for the last 99 years, one of the most impressive engineering structure, will be getting an upgraded. The Panama Canal will be improved to cater for the increasing size of the world’s merchant shipping feet. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now As of today the third set of expanded locks are in full operation and are ready to accommodate their first ships. The Panama Canal is on track to be completed in late June of this year.For information about the expansion of the Panama Canal click the link below.http://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2016-06-01/panama-canals-new-expanded-locks-at-full-operability

Muskrat Falls Megaproject Concrete Collapse

According to Gilbert Bennett Nalcor Energy’s vice-president, Nalcor Energy will “ensure a full safety investigation is completed and that the contractor and its workers implement all safety recommendations that might be identified following this incident.” Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now NDP Leader Earle McCurdy stated that serious procedural issues at Muskrat Falls need to be resolved. Especially in light of the accident that occurred overnight, which caused workers to be briefly covered in wet concrete.Seven workers received first aid treatment at the site in Labrador when formwork gave way, sending wet concrete pouring out. “It was a major incident. This is not just a kind of well somebody got banged up a little bit and had to get a bit of first aid. This was much more serious than…

The Crumbling Infrastructure in America

The majority of the United States’ largest infrastructure projects were built in the 19th and the 20th century. The USA was once in the headlines for having the most advanced public infrastructure systems on earth. Those headlines have changed and the country needs an upgraded system to match the 21st century. The age of structures is one cause but there are also two other factors that have created the current state of the country’s infrastructure. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now For more information click the link below.http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/25/politics/infrastructure-roads-bridges-airports-railroads/

Fire and Explosion Proof Concrete Created by CEMEX

CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. (“CEMEX”) (NYSE: CX) announced on May 4th 2016 that CEMEX Mexico developed a fire- and explosion-resistant concrete. The company designed this solution specifically to safeguard the Data Processing Center, Proyecto Q, of the Santander Group. Located in Queretaro, Mexico, Proyecto Q is the Santander Group’s most technologically intensive and energy-efficient data processing center in the world. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now When a gas station was built 20 meters away from Proyecto Q’s façade, the Santander Group carried out a risk analysis and concluded that its facilities were vulnerable to the effects of potential thermal radiation (fire) and overpressure (explosion). The Santander Group turned to CEMEX for the design and construction of a perimeter wall capable of withstanding both scenarios.“Only CEMEX, through its Cement and…

Dubai Inaugurates First 3D Printed Office Building

On hearing mention of Dubai, most of us envision celebrated and extravagant lifestyles featuring piles of gold and private jets, lavish spreads of wealth, and unfathomable luxury, prominently on display for all to envy. This city, the most populated within the entire United Arab Emirates, is of course also a mega-hub for global business dealings—all of which translates to a love for the highest of the high-tech—much of which takes place in beautifully appointed offices and surroundings. And their latest architectural feat, while perhaps not the biggest or most glamorous, is definitely going to wow you with a glimpse into the future of construction—at least for Dubai. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now While the concept of 3D printed buildings may not sound so far-fetched for the future at all…

Five Infrastructure Emergencies in the U.S.

Advocates for investing in the nation’s infrastructure are hesitant to single out certain projects as deserving priority over others, arguing that sustained funding and attention is needed equally across the board. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now But there are some crumbling structures threatening both the economy and public safety that are just too urgent not to point out.Here are five transportation projects around the country that experts believe are in dire need of repair.The Brent Spence BridgeConnecting Cincinnati and Covington, Ky., the Brent Spence Bridge carries a busy stretch of interstate highway across the Ohio River that is responsible for moving 4 percent of gross national product.The 53-year-old structure was only designed to carry 80,000 vehicles per day; the bridge carried 150,000 vehicles per day in 2006, causing serious…

The Private Sector Can Improve Our Crumbling Infrastructure

Douglas L. Peterson is President and CEO of S&P Global and Susan Story is President and CEO of American Water. They are co-chairs of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Executive Council on Infrastructure. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now It’s time to break the status quo America was built on the spirit of pioneering, entrepreneurialism, and innovation. Decades ago, these trailblazers created an unparalleled system of highways, mass transit, ports, railroads and waterways. They moved people and goods from New York to Miami, created jobs and new cities, and allowed commerce and industries to grow across the United States. Today, that infrastructure has outlived its useful life and become unsafe, unusable, and inefficient. Yet the resources seem elusive to solve such a glaring problem.Our daily lives, communities and economy depend on…

Record Demand at Bauma 2016

Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now • 3,423 exhibitors from 58 countries• Approx. 580,000 visitors from 200 countries• Higher than expected order activityA seven-day show of superlatives at Bauma attracted around 580,000 visitors from 200 countries to Munich between April 11 and 17. That’s a rise of more than nine percent. After Germany, the top ten countries of origin among the visitors were Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, UK, Sweden, the Russian Federation, Poland and the Czech Republic. A total of 3,423 exhibitors—1,263 from Germany and 2,160 from abroad—from 58 countries presented their products, developments and innovations on a record 605,000 square meters of exhibition space. Exhibitors from outside Germany accounted for 63 percent of the total—higher than ever before.Boosting growth in the sectorKlaus Dittrich, Chairman & CEO of…

bauma Innovation Awards

Six companies and research institutions were with the bauma Innovation Award during a festive ceremony held on April 10 in the church Allerheiligenhofkirche in Munich. The award is presented as part of the world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment. bauma is being held from April 11-17 at the trade fair site in Munich. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now The bauma Innovation Award is “a reflection of the innovativeness of the German and international construction, building material and mining machine industry,” Bavarian Economics Minister Ilse Aigner said in praising the award winners and all of the other companies that took part in the competition. “It serves not only as a demonstration of what is technically feasible, but also points…

Giatec In Denmark

Giatec’s SmartRock sensors are continuing to get adopted internationally. With sensors sold in over 25 countries since launched in November 2015, we are looking forward to further extending our smart concrete testing technologies to clients worldwide. We have been able to achieve great and quick success with the help of Giatec partners around the world. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now Our Danish partners, Lolle & Nielsen have created a simple step by step demonstration on how to tag, connect, and use the SmartRock wireless sensors for temperature and maturity measurement. Although the video is in Danish, it is a great watch.If you are interested in working with us as an agent in your market for the SmartRock sensors or other Giatec products, please contact us at dealers@giatecscientific.com

Kolkata Overpass Collapse

On March 31st 2016, one of the largest cities in India, Kolkata, witnessed a massive overpass collapsed. The massive structure collapsed onto a busy intersection in the commercial district of the city. According to multiple media outlets at least 20 individuals have been killed and up to 150 others were trapped after the overpass collapsed.

Concrete Hub, the educational mobile app

Click on your smartphone’s app store and type in concrete, what do you find? Nothing but endless calculator apps to help determine the amount of premixed concrete needed for a particular project. Yet the concrete industry is much more complex and intricate for those who live it everyday and the team here at Giatec Scientific Inc. has launched an app that the industry has yet to utilise, the Concrete Hub. The application is entirely free of charge, so download it now and follow along as we introduce the first industry application to scavenge and compile all news in real time to be readily available at your fingertips. Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now Created for engineering professionals and students, the Concrete Hub app has a sleek design that resembles popular…

Evolution of Bridge Inspection

A great article published by one of Giatec Scientific’s very own in this month’s issue of Concrete Engineering International associated with The UK Concrete Society. Click to read the full sized article! Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now

Giatec RCON2 Used to Study Concrete Cracks

We are happy here at Giatec to see the RCON2 being used at Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey in such an interesting research investigation. Read more about Dr. Sahmaran’s work here. Title: Concrete Cracks Heal Themselves Explore 12 Futuristic Technology Trends Solving Concrete’s Biggest Challenges. Download our 2025 Innovations Calendar! Download Now In the human body, small wounds are easily treated by the body itself, requiring no further care. For bigger wounds to be healed, the body may need outside assistance. Concrete is like a living body, in that it can self-heal its own small wounds (cracks) as an intrinsic characteristic. However, cracks do not heal easily in conventional concrete due to its rather brittle nature, which calls into question the effectiveness of self-healing in conventional concrete materials with no control over crack formation. Robust self-healing composites called Engineered Cementitious…

About Giatec

Giatec is a global company revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart testing technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite. Giatec’s suite of hardware and software products has leveraged advanced technologies such as AI and the Internet of Things (IoT), including wireless concrete sensors, mobile apps, and advanced non-destructive technologies (NDT) to drive innovation throughout concrete’s lifecycle and reduce concrete’s carbon footprint.

Our suite of hardware and software products has leveraged advanced technologies such as; Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT), including; wireless concrete sensors, mobile apps, and advanced non-destructive technologies (NDT) to drive innovation throughout concrete’s lifecycle.

Combining wireless concrete sensors and mobile apps, Giatec has developed smart IoT-based technologies, like SmartRock® concrete maturity sensors, for real-time monitoring of concrete properties. This provides critical information to contractors so they can make efficient and informed decisions on the jobsite, ultimately saving time and money. Ready-mix producers also leverage the SmartRock® Plus cloud, which gives them access to concrete performance data to optimize their mix designs.

Wireless Sensors and NDT Technologies

Our suite of hardware and software products has leveraged advanced technologies such as; Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT), including; wireless concrete sensors, mobile apps, and advanced non-destructive technologies (NDT) to drive innovation throughout concrete’s lifecycle.

Combining wireless concrete sensors and mobile apps, Giatec has developed smart IoT-based technologies, like SmartRock® concrete maturity sensors, for real-time monitoring of concrete properties. This provides critical information to contractors so they can make efficient and informed decisions on the jobsite, ultimately saving time and money. Ready-mix producers also leverage the SmartRock® Plus cloud, which gives them access to concrete performance data to optimize their mix designs.


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