Relieving Pressure on Concrete Foundation Walls with Stud Rails
A deep five-level underground concrete foundation to support a 45-storey condo that is currently being built in downtown Toronto is using an innovative method to relieve shear pressure. That is, rather than employing the traditional ‘rebar stirrup’ method to strength the foundation walls against shear forces, which is very labour intensive and time consuming, stud rails are being used. By comparison, it is argued that stud rails are able to accomplish the same objectives as stirrups without excessive and time-consuming labour. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now “What is great about it is that the rails can be installed in the wall after the outside face of reinforcing, followed by inside face of reinforcing, and then the concrete pour,” states Kumbo Mwanang’onze, a structural engineer with RJC Engineers…