Blog Posts

Saving Money with Wireless Maturity Sensors

With traditional concrete strength testing practices, that is the use of cylinder break tests, the reliance on third-party testing labs is detrimental to a project’s timeline and budget. While wired data loggers can save some time, the data collected must still be analyzed off site by an experienced…

The Impact of the Labor Shortage in the Construction Industry

It’s no secret that the construction industry has been dealing with a severe labor shortage. While the industry itself is booming and the need for new buildings – such as residential homes, public housing, commercial real estate, and projects for public works and institutional buildings – has increased,…

Eliminating Field-Cured Cylinders to Prevent Project Delays

For project managers and contractors, there is nothing more frustrating than when a job is running behind schedule. Not only does it eat into your profits, it also impacts your company’s reputation. Frequent delays on site are a very common problem in the industry. According to KPMG International’s…

Breaking Records Left and Right at Bauma 2019

SmartRock® is #1 and we can prove it! Experience the world’s #1 concrete sensor. Get a Prove-It Kit Once every three years, bauma, the world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building materials, mining machines, construction vehicles, concrete testing, and more, takes place. This year the show was…

Accelerated Bridge Construction with Lower Costs, Safer Job Sites

In the United States, one in four of the country’s 600,000 bridges require rehabilitation, repair, or replacement. As a result, faster, safer, and more economic bridge construction is a frequent topic of discussion. Technological developments, such as the use of wireless temperature and strength sensors and the practice…

In Response to The Guardian’s Concrete Week

Over 6 days, during what they called Concrete Week, The Guardian published on its website more than 10 different articles ranging from “Concrete: the most destructive material on earth” to “Delicate sense of terror: what does concrete do to our mental health?” Concrete is blamed for flooding, urbanization,…

Confidently Place Your Flooring With This Accurate Relative Humidity Sensor

One of the most essential processes, which is rarely talked about in the application of flooring, is the importance of monitoring relative humidity (RH), moisture levels, and the moisture evaporation rate of your concrete floor. Proper measuring of these properties will help you avoid recurring and costly failures….

relative Humidity Floor Installation

Understanding Relative Humidity in Concrete

During the construction of a concrete building, an essential step in the application of flooring is the importance of monitoring the relative humidity (RH), moisture levels, and the moisture evaporation rate of your slab. If your concrete contains excess moisture and high RH levels this can lead to…

Make Your Construction Jobsite Safer and Faster with Smart Sensors

SmartRock® is #1 and we can prove it! Experience the world’s #1 concrete sensor. Get a Prove-It Kit Sensors embedded in concrete let you know when it’s cured and ready. Concrete is the material most widely used by humans — after water. As its ingredients are readily available…

Assessing the Future: Job Site Robotics Are Quickly Gaining Ground

The introduction of advanced technologies and robotics have continued to increase in popularity in construction. With large-scale robotic solutions, these devices are transported to a job site to execute specific tasks. For example, Tybot automates the task of tying rebar intersections on bridges and other large structures. While…

How Testing Concrete Strength Onsite Can Accelerate Your Project Timeline

When it comes to testing concrete during placement, the most commonly used method for evaluating strength is the break test. Break tests require concrete sample cylinders to be subjected to high amounts of pressure in order to assess the material’s compressive strength. Although this test method is widely…

The Importance of Monitoring Temperature During Post-Tensioning Time

What Is Post-Tensioning Time?Concrete has compressive strength, meaning that it can withstand its own weight within a structure. However, it lacks tensile strength. Therefore, as soon as everyday loads are added to a concrete structure, such as vehicles on a bridge, the concrete struggles under the additional weight….


Importance of Initial Curing Conditions of Test Cylinders

Why Curing Conditions for Test Cylinders is ImportantAcceptance testing for specified concrete strength is, and always has been, a necessary step in the construction industry. Nowadays, this process includes making cylinders or beams on site and bringing them to the lab for strength testing, followed by a step…

Creep of Concrete Under the Nanoscope

Understanding the Underlying Mechanisms of Creep in ConcreteConcrete is one of the main materials utilized in civil engineering construction in the modern age with an annual production of roughly 20 billion tons. For instance, the aging infrastructure in the US requires massive investment and the American Society of…

The Benefits Of Using Sensors In The Construction Industry

Construction jobsites are joining the modern world by incorporating smart technology into an internet of things ecosystem. The internet of things (IoT) is a term for a network of devices, sensors, and people connected to the internet that collect and exchange data. SmartRock® is #1 and we can…

5 Reasons Construction Professionals Buy IoT Devices

The Internet of Things, commonly abbreviated as IoT, refers to the connection of devices to the Internet. These IoT devices range from cellphones, computers, and wearable technology to cars, homes, and appliances. Although it might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of connected…

IoT is Revolutionizing the Concrete Industry

When it comes to Smart Construction and Intelligent Building Operation, the Internet of Things (IoT) is a powerhouse that has revolutionized many aspects of the industry—including concrete installations and applications. Essentially, the IoT is a network of items that are embedded with sensors, electronics, actuators, and software that…

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