Empowering Innovation,
Celebrating Excellence!

The concrete revolution has begun.
Are you leading the charge? 

Welcome to the 1st annual Giatec Concrete Revolutionaries Awards. For the first time ever, Giatec is honouring customers and partners who have been leading the charge in revolutionizing our construction industry, becoming leaders in innovation, sustainability, and technology.  

At Giatec, our achievements are not ours alone – they are a collective effort, made possible by the drive for advancement and dedication to innovation from you within our concrete industry. These awards are our way of saying ‘thank you’ and acknowledging the significant contributions and advancements our customers and partners have made.

The 2024 Giatec Concrete Revolutionaries Award Categories


Engineering Expert
Operations Innovator
Technology Leader


Market Trailblazer


AI Solution Pioneer
Digital Transformation Leader

The 2024 Giatec Concrete Revolutionaries Award Winners!

Engineering Expert


Operations Innovator

Technology Leader

Miron Construction

Market Trailblazer

CE Construction Solutions

AI Solution Pioneer

Tomlinson Ready Mix

Angelle Materials

Digital Transformation Leader


Heidelberg Materials

Congratulations to the Giatec Concrete Revolutionaries 2024 winners! Onwards and Upwards, let’s keep innovating and revolutionizing.  

Interested to know more and participate in the GCR awards 2025. Contact Us

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