
Surface Electrical Resistivity Testing

Laboratory device for measuring the surface electrical resistivity of concrete

Four Measurement Channels

Automatically measure resistivity around the concrete specimen using four channels of 4-probe array, located at 90° from each other.
iCOR® | Wireless NDT Corrosion Detection

Fast & Accurate Data

As an alternative to the RCPT test, electrical resistivity evaluates the quality and durability of hardened concrete in minutes.
Surf™ | Concrete Surface Resistivity

Automatic Report Generation

Easily export and share reports on concrete durability and service-life with project partners and stakeholders.
Surf™ | Concrete Surface Resistivity

Rapid, Easy, & Accurate Measurements

Surf is a laboratory device for testing the surface electrical resistivity of concrete based on the four-probe (Wenner-Array) technique. Surf. These measurements are used to estimate the resistance of chloride penetration in the concrete. This shows the qualitative relationship between the rapid chloride penetrability test (RCPT) and the surface electrical resistivity of concrete. This surface resistivity meter can also be used for durability-based quality control of concrete and for monitoring the service life design of a structure.

Discover our concrete quality testing solutions!


  • Performance-based quality control of concrete
  • Estimation of chloride diffusion of concrete
  • Service life design of concrete structures
  • Crack detection in concrete
  • Water content of fresh concrete
Surf™ | Concrete Surface Resistivity
Surf™ | Concrete Surface Resistivity


  • Optional hand-held probe
  • Fast measurements (8 measurements < 15s)
  • Four-channel four-probe surface resistivity meter


  • Accurate data (±2%)
  • Variable frequency (13 – 100 Hz)
  • Automatic report generation
  • Free user-friendly PC software
Single Measurement Time   1.5 seconds  
Testing Time   (8 measurements) 
Measurement Channels   4
Frequency  13 – 100 Hz

Reading Range

Reading Range Frequency range Accuracy
0.1 – 100 KΩ.cm 13 – 100 Hz ± (0.1+1%)
100 – 1000 KΩ.cm 13 – 100 Hz ± (1+1%)
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  57. Stanish, K., Hooton, R. D., & Thomas, M. D. A. (2004). A Novel Method for Describing Chloride Ion Transport due to an Electrical Gradient in Concrete: Part 1. Theoretical description. Cement and Concrete Research, 34(1), 43-49.
  58. Stanish, K., Hooton, R. D., & Thomas M. D. A. (2004). A Novel Method for Describing Chloride Ion Transport due to an Electrical Gradient in Concrete: Part 2. Experimental study. Cement and Concrete Research, 34(1), 51-57.
Part No. Item Description
900107 Surf™ – Comprehensive Package Surf™ unit, 100×200 mm (4″x8″) Sample holder, Power adaptor, USB cable, PC Communication software, User manual, Conductive gel, Verification kit, Additional Set of conductive pads, Hand-held probe
900037 Surf™ – D100 Full Package Surf™ unit, 100×200 mm (4″x8″) Sample holder, Power adaptor, USB cable, Communication software, User manual, Conductive gel, Verification kit, Additional Set of conductive pads
900030 Surf™ Device Surf™ unit, Power adaptor, USB cable, Communication software, User manual, Verification kit

The following replacement parts and accessories are available upon request:

Part No. Item Description
900100 Hand-held Probe For measurement of surface electrical resistivity on flat surfaces of large concrete samples/elements
900031 Surface Sample holder-D100 100×200 mm (4″x8″) sample size, Conductive gel, Additional Set of conductive pads
900032 Verification Kit High and low range dongles to verify the performance of the device
900038 Conductive Gel – High Viscosity 250 ml bottle
900033 Test Cable Four-point connection cable with alligator clip
900034 Contact Sponge Set 16 pcs


If you are testing saturated surface dry specimens (SSD condition), there is no need to use wet sponges. But, for dry specimens, you must use either wet sponges on the connection tips or the conductive gel provided with the device.

Giatec Surf utilizes a patented technology to automatically measure the surface resistivity 8 times around the cylindrical concrete specimen using its four channels of 4-probe arrays. The PC software then generates the required reports according to the standard specifications.

The current version of Surf has been designed for laboratory applications in the durability-based quality control of concrete. An accessory is under development for Surf that enables this meter for field applications as well.

The four input channels of Surf device can be connected to accessory cables for customization of test-setup for surface resistivity measurement from the surface of concrete elements (e.g. crack detection under load) or be embedded in fresh and hardened concrete for the monitoring of setting and moisture transport, respectively. Giatec’s scientific team will be happy to assist you with your particular research project application.

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